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Publishing Rules

(1) Material for Publishing: 

JIS provides researchers in the field of Islamic studies worldwide with the opportunity to have their researches published. The researches have to be original and to fulfil the demands of academic ethics and scientific methodology.

JIS also publishes (in Arabic and English) materials that have not been published before, such as original research, academic reviews, research reports, book reviews and critiques, short academic contributions as well as summaries of academic conferences, forums, and activities. The materials include announcements about related forthcoming academic events,such as conferences, symposia, letters to the editorand comments and responses.
 (2) Research Paper Format Requirements:  

• The research has to be written on A4 paper. The number of pages must not exceed 40, including English and Arabic abstracts, and references.
• Basic information about the research has to be written in both Arabic and English, and it has to include the following: research title; researcher’s full name; what he/she is and place of work; and how to contact him/her.
• Arabic and English abstracts have to include the following: research topic, objectives and methodology; the most important results; and the most important recommendations. Each abstract must not exceed 250 words, and it has to be very well written.
• The abstract is to be followed by a list of keywords (Arabic/English), which must not be more than six, summarizing the research fields. The key words are used for indexing.
• Page margins on all sides (top, bottom, right, and left) are to be 3 cm. Lines must be single-spaced.
• Researches in Arabic must be typed in Traditional Arabic as follows: font 16 for text, non-bold for text, but bold for titles; font 13, non-bold for footnotes and abstract; and font 10, non-bold for tables and figures, but bold for table headings and comments.
• Researches in English must be typed in Times New Roman as follows: font 11, non-bold for text, but bold for titles; font 9, non-bold for footnotes and abstract; and font 8, non-bold for tables and figures, but bold for table headings and comments.
• The research paper must fulfill the following requirements: • (1) Start with an introduction presenting the research topic, problem, limitations, objectives, methodology, procedures and plan.
• (2) Write a related literature review as well as the research’s contribution to the advancement of knowledge.
• (3) Organize the research body into sections that are well connected to each other and consistent with the research plan.
• (4) Each section is to be concerned with a specific idea, and all ideas must be interrelated to serve the central idea of the paper.
• (5) The paper has to be well written academically and linguistically, with accurate documentation.
• (6) The paper is to end with a conclusion, summing up the most important findings and recommendations.

• Footnote documentation must include the following in the given order: name of source; name of author; and volume number/page number(s).Example:Lissan Al-Arab, Ibn-Manzūr, (2/233).
• The references, at the end of the paper, have to be written as follows, in the given order and punctuation: 1. In the case of books:book title, author's surname/family name, author’s first name and middle name(s), investigator’s/editor's name – if any – place of publication: publisher's name, edition number, and year of publication. Example:Jāmi' Attirmidhi, Abu-Issa Mohammed Ibn-Issa. Investigator: Ahmed Mohamed Shaker, et al, Beirut: Dār Ihyā’ Atturāth Al-Arabi (House for Arab Heritage Revival), Vol. 2, 2004.
2. In the case of dissertations:dissertation title, author's surname/family name, author’s first name and middle name(s), dissertation degree (MA/ PHD), country: college, university, year of award.Example:Yaʻqūb Ibn-Shaybah Al-Sadūsī, Ãthāruhu wa Manhajuhu fi Al-Jarh wa Atta’dīl (Yaʻqūb Ibn-Shaybah Al-Sadūsī: His Impact and Methodology in Identifying Trustworthy and Untrustworthy Hadith Narrators), Al-Mutairi , ʻAli Ibn- Abdullah. MA, Saudi Arabia, College of Education, King Saud University, 1418 H.
3. In the case of articles:“article title”, author's surname/family name, author’s first name and middle name(s), periodical title, place of publication, Volume No., Issue No., year of publication, page number(s) (p./pp.).Example:“Al-Imam Affaan Ibn-Muslim Assaffaar wa Manhajuhu fi Attalaqqi wa Al-Adaa’ wa Annaqd (Imam Affaan Ibn-Muslim Assaffaar: His Methodology of Reception, Performance and Criticism). Al-Mutairi, Ali Ibn-Abdullah. Qassim University Journal: Shari’ah Sciences, Qassim, Vol. (3), Issue (1), 1431 H, pp. 35-85.
4. In the case of unavailable information about the reference (name of publisher; place of publication; number of edition; or year of publication), related JIS abbreviations have to be used (in researches written in Arabic).

• Regarding the documentation of foreign references, the Chicago Documentation Style is to be followed (link:
• Submitting the paper via the JIS website means that the researcher declares that the paper has not been previously published, has not been submitted to any other journal, and will not be submitted to any other journal until JIS’s related procedures are over.
• The JIS Editorial Panel reserves the right of initial examination of the research paper to decide whether to proceed with refereeing or to reject it.
• If the research paper is accepted for publication, a letter of acceptance will be sent to the researcher. If it is not accepted, a letter of decline will be sent to the researcher.
• Once the research paper is accepted for publication, all copyrights will be reserved to JIS. Accordingly, the research paper must not be published elsewhere in any from without the written permission of JIS’s editor-in-chief.
• Correspondence with JIS for publication purposes means the researcher accepts the publication terms, conditions and regulations of JIS. The Editorial Panel has the right of prioritizing research publication.
• The views expressed in the published articles are only the author's and do not necessarily reflect those of JIS.
• Five free copies of the issue containing the published manuscript will be sent to the author.
(3) Research Submission Procedure:  
The researcher is to complete and submit the relevant form on the JIS webpage( 

Last updated on : January 12, 2023 3:08am