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Journal of Islamic Studies > Volume 23, No. 1, 2011

The Arts of Arabization and Islamization in the light of Globalization / Mohammad Khalil Abo-Alrob

This research aims at urging Muslim and Arab scientists. scholars and artists to study insightfully other coming cultures, refining them and taking all that help in building. renewing and allows opportunities of communication for a civilization that dates back to more than 15 centuries which guarantee its persistence and sustainability with all the 3113 it includes, Many of us may only perceive the bright aspects of other cultures unaware of the importance of maintaining our Arab and Muslim identity targeted mischievously by many others where our efforts of protecting this civilization is now the most urgently needed particularly and the prevalence of globalization bridging gaps among civilizations and the emergence of technology. This research also aims at clarifying the extent to which European arts are influenced by all the Islamic arts including amhitccturc‘ mosaic and other different art In fact. this make another strong proof of the importance Islamic cultures occupies among world civilizations.


Last updated on : January 12, 2023 3:08am