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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Provisions of Minor Sins / Abdullah bin Mohammad AL Sanad

Praise be to Allah the almighty, and peace be upon the seal of prophets peace and prayers be upon him.This study has revealed one of the subjects that related to the titles and provisions concerning the minor sins and their provisions in fourchapters and seven units. The first chapter deals with the clarifications of different creeds in classifying of sins, the opinions of companionsand righwous ancestors and the Muslim public that sins are classified into major and minor sins. It also includes the presentation of evidencesagainst minor sins neglecms, debating with opponents and clarifying and displaying the cone conflict regarding this issue. The second chapterincludes what has been said in minor sins base and their limits in this world and the hereafter. Then it also includes explanation of thecondition of the minor sin doer namely and judicially. The third chapter includes tracing of some causes that minor sins may turn into majorones and the caution from the danger of trivial sins. The fourth chapter which is the last one, deals with presentation of means of forgivenesswhich Allah the almighty has granted for escaping from punishment of minor sins and the conditions and arguments related to it. Theconclusion includes the most important part of this study.

تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 3:08ص