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تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Journal of Islamic Studies > Volume 26, No. 1, 2014

Explaining Al-Mugheerah Ibn-Shu’bah’s Hadith on Almas-h ’ala Alkhufain (Rubbing Khuffs in Wudhuu ) / Adel Abd alShakoor Al Zuragi

This research is concerned with identifying, arranging and studying the terms related to the Hadith reported by the Prophet’s
companion Al-Mugheerah Ibn-Shu’bah on rubbing khuffs in wudhuu’(washing for prayer,. It aims to evaluate and check the grade of the
terms. This is done in accordance with the methods applied by earlier Hadith scholars, which examination, analysis, inference and
comparison. The research concludes the following: Al-Mugheera’s Hadith basically falls within the sahih (sound/authentic, category;
however, some of its terms - outside the sahih category –that are mentioned in the Haidth paths are dha’if (weak,, while others are sahih, but
only a few. The research recommends that attention be given to the Hadiths that have been collected via varied paths and that contain
additions to text. This inVol.ves checking how authentic the Hadiths are by proper investigation and constructive criticism. It also
recommends that such activities be included in the syllabuses of Hadith curricula at universities.

تاريخ آخر تحديث : يناير 12, 2023 3:08ص